You must clean up after yourself when you are on the property. If you sign up for a shift you are expected to be there. If you cannot make it for some reason you alone are responsible for getting coverage. If you take your name off the calendar you must let Lainie know, and it must be at least 24 hours advance notice, or you will need to find coverage by yourself.
If you have questions about barn chores please get in touch with t Lainie and she will help you.
Barn Chores Check List:
-Check on each horse to make sure it looks physically okay
-Feed hay and grain as noted on individual stall cards and feed room
-Check that the cat has food and water
Turn Out: BETWEEN 10 AND 11:30AM
-Check on each horse to make sure it looks physically okay
-Turn out horses to their assigned pasture, unless otherwise noted
-DO NOT turn out more than 2 horses at a time
-Clean at least your horse’s stall (or one stall if you do not have a horse at the barn)
-Clean any poop in aisle and driveway
-Check on cat
-Turn off all lights and close all doors
Horses must be in by 8pm at the latest
-Clean all stalls completely putting all wet/soiled shavings and poop in trashcans.
-Move clean shavings away from area where hay will be dropped
-Feed Hay and Grain according to stall cards and feed room.
-Bring in horses
-DO NOT bring in more than 2 horses at a time
-Rake the entire aisle way, including arena entrance
-Double check each horse before you go to make sure they look okay
-Turn off all lights and close all doors
-Make sure Cat is in the tack room for the night.
Other Chores:
Once A Week (at least):
-Water Aisle
-Rake gravel area outside the two main doors
-Sweep dirt/shavings out of the driveway in front of our side
-Sweep hay loft
Every time you come out (for a shift or not):
-Clean your stall
-Sweep cross-ties and put dirt/poop/hair in bucket located in each cross-tie
-Pick up any poop, hoof trimmings, or other mess in the aisle
-No loose horses in the arena for any reason
-No tying to the stall railings
-Clean up after yourself
-There cannot be anything in the aisle except for trash cans
-If you have a blanket it needs to be hung from your stall door neatly so it is out of the way.
-The barn MUST be clean before you leave